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Parent and Linked Profiles


A parent can manage linked accounts in Rugby Xplorer from a single email. One account can have several linked, or child accounts associated with it.

You must have the authority to accept terms and conditions and waivers on behalf of the linked accounts, so this must be a parent or guardian and NOT coaches or club officials.

You can link an existing account or player who exists in Rugby Xplorer to your account (they must give approval via email) or you can create a new linked account upon registration.

Linking an Account

To link a new user or existing user to your profile:

  1. Open your Rugby Xplorer profile here
  2. Click Register on the left hand menu
  3. Click Find a Club
  4. Click Link a new person
  5. Enter the details of the player and click Sign Up
  • If an existing user is found in the system, you will be able to select to link the profile. The user will then receive an email asking them to accept the link
  • If no existing user is found, a new profile will be created. 

Once the user has confirmed the link, you will be able to view the account by clicking Switch Accounts at the top of your profile page.

Unlinking an Account

To un-link a person from your account, that user must have a unique email address on their profile. Once the account is unlinked, that unique email address will be used to manage their profile.

  1. Log into your Rugby Xplorer profile here.
  2. Click Switch Accounts and select the profile to Unlink
  3. Scroll down to Account Details, and make sure the user has a unique e-mail address. If they do not, enter one and click Update.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Unlink User

An email notification will be sent to the individual notifying them they are no longer linked.